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6/20/10 – 6/21/10 (koh ngai)

Koh Ngai – Trang – Ao Nang

After a very relaxing time in Koh Ngai we decided to head north to Ao Nang in Krabi. For 500 baht/night ($16 USD) we stayed at probably what was one of the nicest and largest rooms during our travels. Every restaurant was trying to get customers with their drink specials and many even offered twenty percent discount off the entire bill. Granted it was the rainy season and the demonstrations in Bangkok have certainly hurt the tourism all over Thailand. The only downside to our hotel was that it was directly above a very busy shopping block and there were live music till the wee hours of the night. We thought we would have trouble sleeping but surprisingly we actually got a good night’s rest.

We weren’t planning on staying in Ao Nang for very long and decided to book an island hopping tour for the next day. During the night the winds were howling and there was a torrential downpour. We were concerned that it might be too rocky on the sea but the tour crew seemed not to be too concerned. We decided to sit at the front of the boat and it turned out to be the worst mistake we could’ve made. The first ten minutes we were laughing with the other passengers about the crazy boat ride but then it wasn’t so funny. The waves did get pretty high and every time we hit a wave we were airborne and came crashing down on the seats. There were many times when we felt our vertebrae smashing against each other and felt as if we someone punched our stomachs. We were ecstatic every time the boat stopped at an island so we could catch our breath.

We visited the island where a portion of the film, The Beach, was made. Twice the boat just stopped in the middle of the sea where there was good snorkeling. There were so many fish around the boat that one of the staff was able to grab a fish with his bare hands! There must have been hundreds of fish circling around us. It was very different from our other snorkeling adventures. We then stopped at Ko Phi Phi for a buffet lunch.

After that we visited our last island but then it started to rain. The rain wasn’t coming down very hard but the waves were getting really big. At one point we hit a really big wave and all us of cried out in pain. Jon finally put his foot down and said we had to move to the back of the boat or one of us was going to getting hurt. There were no room for us to sit so the eight of us sat on the floor. It was still a little bumpy but nothing like it was in the front. We were all grateful when we landed back on the shore. We didn’t realize till later all the bruises we had gotten from the boat ride. It will be one that we will remember for a long time.

Reader Comments (1)

Beautiful pictures and we are having our own rainy season. No power for an hour and a half yesterday because of a big storm. That sounds like an adventurous boat ride.
June 29, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermary lappan

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