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7/23/10 - 7/24/10 (bangkok)


Jon woke up in the morning with a horrible stomachache and a fever. Not a good sign. We think he got food poisoning from the chicken he had last night for dinner since we had the same things for lunch. I went to the market to pick up some things for breakfast and lunch since Jon was in no shape to go anywhere. We were excited to have the use of a kitchen to cook meals rather than having to eat out everyday. Over breakfast I checked my email and got an email from our friend Paul alerting us that his apartment had been double booked, meaning that we had to find a place to stay for a few days. Pim had also promised the place to a friend of hers and there were four of them so we all couldn’t fit. We only had a couple of hours to find a hotel and pack up before his other friends showed up but it all worked out. Paul helped us find a hotel nearby his apartment.

Once we checked into the hotel, Jon crashed and slept all day and into the night. The move took all the energy he had. I was concerned that his fever hadn’t gone down but he promised to take some medicine the next day if he wasn’t feeling any better. While he rested I checked out the night market right outside our hotel and found a small noodle shop for dinner.

The next day Jon was feeling better but not a hundred percent. He had a little more energy than the day before so we walked around the shopping center across from our hotel. We found a food court that had pearl tea, which is one of Jon’s favorite Asian drinks. After lunch we took the sky train to the Emporium to look for portable hard drives. After traveling for four months Jon has filled his computer and three portable hard drives with photos and videos. We needed a bigger hard drive to back everything up. We decided to hold off on making any purchases in case we found a better deal. While we were at the mall we got in touch with Pai and made plans to meet up the next day to visit the Royal Palace. We also booked a half-day morning tour of the floating market, located about an hour and half outside of Bangkok.

Since Jon was still feeling queasy he had bread and cereal for dinner while I tried a noodle soup stand right outside our hotel. I have had noodle soup for the last three days but I haven’t gotten tired of them since every place has a different way of making them. And they are super cheap, under $2!

Reader Comments (1)

Glad things are working out and pearl tea sounds interesting. Take care.
July 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMary Lappan

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