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7/26/10 (bangkok)


I love it when the room is completely dark and cool and I can sleep in till 10am. We checked out of the hotel at noon and returned to Paul’s apartment. Pim’s friends hadn’t left yet so we dropped off our luggage and headed to a nearby coffee shop for lunch. When we returned the place was empty and we had the apartment to ourselves. We were in desperate need of doing laundry and were lucky that Paul had a washer and dryer. Most people in Asia dry their clothes since it dries quickly in the humidity.

It was nice to have the feeling of being at home even if it wasn’t ours. It does make me really miss having a place and being able to invite friends over for drinks and dinner.

We were looking forward to having a home cooked meal so we went to the grocery store to get some stuff with dinner. It had been so long since we cooked a meal. The last time we cooked was at Jean and Jono’s house in Australia and that was over three months ago. We had forgotten how to cook and ended up getting bread and cheese to make a gouda grilled cheese sandwich. If you will believe it I had never made a grilled cheese sandwich before coming on this trip. It wasn’t something I grew up eating and never occurred to me how simple it was to make one. Easing our way back into cooking at home.

Reader Comments (1)

Grilled cheese and tomato soup is comfort food to me. What a lovely view Paul must have.
July 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMary Lappan

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